
Votazione IMDb:
starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar 4.7/10 (327 voti)

Regista: Luca Miniero

Paese: Italia   Studio: 01 Distribution

Durata: 93 minuti

Genere: Commedia

Codec Video: H.265 HEVC   Rapporto: 2.40:1

Lingua: Italiano   

Audio: DTS 5.1 - Italiano / Dolby Digital 5.1 - Italiano

Sottotitoli: English, Italiano

Trama: On a small island in the Mediterranean Sea the usual representation of the nativity is in danger because the child that used to play Baby Jesus is now grew. Moreover, on the island a baby hasn't born since a long time and it's necessary to find a new Baby Jesus. The mayor would like to "borrow" a child from the Tunisian community of the island, but between Italians and Tunisians there is bad blood. To help the mayor, there are Bilal, an Italian who converted to Islam and leads the Tunisian community, and Suor Marta, a nun who doesn't want to outrage the catholic tradition of the nativity.

Campo Pers. 1

Campo Pers. 2

Commenti: - 002 -

Supporto: Media File   Fonte: Disco BluRay   Prestato: No   Dimensione file: 3.74 GB

Numero: 1829   Numero Personalizzato:   Percorso: X:\Non.C'E'.Piu'.Religione-2016\Non.C'E'.Piu'.Religione-2016-tt5730150.mkv


Alessandro Gassmann (come Bilal), Angela Finocchiaro (come Suor Marta), Nabiha Akkari (come Aïda), Mehdi Meskar (come Ali), Giovanni Esposito (come Segretario Vescovo), Claudio Bisio (come Cecco), Laura Adriani (come Maddalena), Giovanni Cacioppo (come Aldo), Massimo De Lorenzo (come Don Mario), Roberto Herlitzka (come Vescovo), Mounir Echchaoui (come Amed), Imad Nazih (come Mounir), Paola Casella (come Addolorata), Giuseppe Fiale (come Lupo), Nicolò Adelmann (come Cicillo)