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Noto come: His Trysting Place (Titolo Inglese)

Regista: Charlie Chaplin

Paese: United States   Studio: Mutual Film

Durata: 20 minuti

Genere: Commedia

Codec Video: H.265 HEVC   Rapporto: 4:3

Lingua: English   

Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 - English

Trama: Charlie and his friend Ambrose meet in a restaurant and accidentally leave with each other's coats. Charlie was going to pick up a baby bottle and Ambrose was going to mail a love letter that was in his coat pocket. Charlie's wife finds the letter and thinks he has a secret lover and Ambrose's wife believes he has an illegitimate child. Controversy arises in the park between Charlie and his wife and Ambrose and his wife. It is resolved at the end, but Charlie sparks another fight between the other couple by showing his friend's wife the love letter that was in his pocket.

Campo Pers. 1

Campo Pers. 2

Commenti: - 006 -

Supporto: Media File   Fonte: Disco BluRay   Prestato: No   Dimensione file: 1.16 GB

Numero: 2414   Numero Personalizzato:   Percorso: X:\Charlot.Gaga'-1914\Charlot.Gaga'-1914-tt0004108.mkv


Charlie Chaplin (come Clarence, the Husband), Mabel Normand (come Mabel, The Wife), Mack Swain (come Ambrose), Phyllis Allen (come Ambrose's Wife), Helen Carruthers (come Clarice (non accreditato)), Glen Cavender (come Cook / Park Police Officer (non accreditato)), Nick Cogley (come Bearded Diner (non accreditato)), Ted Edwards (come Diner with White Shoes (non accreditato)), Vivian Edwards (come Woman Outside Restaurant (non accreditato)), Edwin Frazee (come Thrown Pie Recipient (non accreditato)), Frank Hayes (come Diner in Bowler (non accreditato)), Billy Gilbert (come Diner in Overalls)