
Votazione IMDb:
starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar 5.9/10 (942 voti)

Noto come: Twenty Minutes of Love (Titolo Inglese)

Regista: Joseph Maddern, Charles Chaplin

Paese: United States   Studio: Mutual Film

Durata: 10 minuti

Genere: Commedia, Short

Codec Video: H.265 HEVC   Rapporto: 4:3

Lingua: English   

Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0 - English

Trama: Charlie is amidst a number of loving couples in the park. He parodies one couple by embracing a tree. A girl asks her beau for a love token. The beau steals a pocket watch from a sleeping man, Charlie gets it away from him and gives it to the girl. He later gets it back and tries to sell it to his original owner who calls a policeman. Many park visitors wind up getting tossed into the lake.

Campo Pers. 1

Campo Pers. 2

Commenti: - 006 -

Supporto: Media File   Fonte: Disco BluRay   Prestato: No   Dimensione file: 602 MB

Numero: 2421   Numero Personalizzato:   Percorso: X:\Charlot.Pazzo.Per.Amore-1914\Charlot.Pazzo.Per.Amore-1914-tt0004736.mkv


Charles Chaplin (come Pickpocket), Edgar Kennedy (come Lover), Gordon Griffith (come Boy), Chester Conklin (come Pickpocket), Josef Swickard (come Pickpocket's Victim), Hank Mann (come Sleeper), Minta Durfee (come Edgar's Girl), Eva Nelson (come Pickpocket's Girl (non accreditato))